Public Theology for the Common Good
About Andrew T. Walker
Andrew T. Walker, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Christian Ethics and Public Theology at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is an Associate Dean in the School of Theology and the Executive Director of the Carl F. H. Henry Institute for Evangelical Engagement at Southern Seminary. Walker is also a Fellow in Christian Political Thought at the Ethics and Public Policy Center and serves as the Managing Editor of WORLD Opinions. He also currently co-hosts a weekly podcast, The Bully Pulpit, which explores the intersections of faith, culture, and politics from a conservative and Christian worldview. He is the author of several books on Christian ethics and public theology. Walker researches and writes about the intersection of Christian ethics, public theology, and the common good. His analysis has been written or cited in such outlets as The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Atlantic, Los Angeles Times, and many others. He resides in Louisville, Kentucky, with his wife and three daughters. You can follow him on X: @andrewtwalk.

Christianity as a cultural good
Christianity’s impact on culture is profound, shaping everything from how we think about family to
It’s not too late to abandon “Christian nationalism”
Three years ago, when “Christian nationalism” was still a fairly new idea on the scene,
It’s OK to be a Christian conservative
I’m approaching 40, which means I came of age at a time in American evangelicalism